If you are a IT professional or you are managing a computer infrastructure using Active Directory and you are using BitLocker for encrypting data, you may find in AD a tab with BitLocker Recovery Passwords .
Sometimes in AD tab with BitLocker Recovery Passwords, for a reason I don’t understand, the Recovery Password is missing from AD tab and if you did not save the password on usb or file you need to have it in AD for future problems that may occur .
You may save BitLocker Recovery Password directly from the computer from control pannel settings but you may also do it remotely from your computer if you are administrating a wide area network .
For using command prompt to save BitLocker Recovery Passwords from remote computer to active directory you need to follow :
1. download https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/downloads/psexec
2. copy on your desktop psexec64.EXE
3. Click or tap start, in serch type CMD, right click on it and click on Run as administrator.
4. type C:\Users\YOUR USER>cd desktop
5. type psexec64.EXE \\NAME OF THE MANAGED COMPUTER cmd.exe
6. type Manage-bde –protectors –get C: -Type RecoveryPassword
It should show the BitLocker Recovery Password
7. type Manage-bde –protectors –adbackup C: -id {ID from the above}
After refresh the password should be copied to AD tab .
Good luck !