Delete uncategorized category in WordPress


WordPress is one of the best open source website software on the market .

After you install your wordpress website you will notice that all of your posts are automatically added to “uncategorized” category.

And above all these things, you cannot delete this category, even after you will create another category and the question is how can I delete the “uncategorized” category ?

There are a lot of plugins can do almost anything, but it is best for you to used less plugins for your wordpress website .

So to delete the “uncategorized” category you need to go to “” and create the category you want .

Then go to “” and change the Default Post Category to category you want .

Step 3 go again to category page and you will have the option to delete the “uncategorized” category .

If you had posts in the “uncategorized” category, they’ll be transferred to the new default category automatically .

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