How to make Windows icons appear larger-bigger-smaller


The easiest way to make Windows icons appear larger or smaller on Windows desktop screen, you need to press and hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and scroll up or down with the mouse wheel to increase and decrease the size of your icons.

If you want to do it from Windows options you need to follow these steps :

For Microsoft Windows 10

1. Click start and in search box type Control Panel
2. Open the Control Panel
3. In the Control Panel window choose Appearance and Personalization .
4. In the Appearance and Personalization window, in the Display section, click the Make text and other items larger or smaller option.
5. In the Change size of items section, click the use these display settings link.
6. In the Customize your display window, move the slider to the right in the Change the size of text, apps, and other items section.

Microsoft 7 and 8

1. Click start and in search box type Control Panel
2. Open the Control Panel
3. In the Control Panel window choose Appearance and Personalization .
4. In the Appearance and Personalization window, in the Display section, click the Make text and other items larger or smaller option.
5. In the Change the size of all items section, drag the bar towards Larger to make text and icons larger.

If you do not want everything larger, in the Change only the text size section, select Icons in the first drop-down list, then increase the font size or make the text bold for easier reading.

Good luck !

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