How to remove and get rid forever of Linux grub4doc bios boot menu from your Windows laptop


Today we are going to talk about grub4doc Linux boot menu that appears on some devices from factory or for any other reason .

In this menu you need to press escape and to choose between multiple boot options like Windows without loader or other .

To remove grub4doc you need to follow some steps .

In Windows 7 for example follow these steps :

1. Create system repair disc
2. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click on the Backup and Restore icon.
3. Click on the Create a System repair disc link in the left blue pane.
4. Boot from cd (depending on your device boot menu can be reached by pressing F9 on HP, F12 on Dell, etc)
5. Click on “repair your computer”
6. Select windows 7 or what ever operating system is and click on next
7. System recovery options will appear
8. Click on command prompt windows
9. Type
bootrec /fixmbr
and press enter, then type
bootrec /fixboot
and press enter
10. You should get “The operation completed cuccessfully .”

After restarting your PC, Windows should start automatically .

Good luck !

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