Reduce size of Microsoft Power Point files (ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx) that contains images (compress)


here is a small tutorial that shows you how you can reduce Microsoft Office Power Point files (ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx) that contains images .

Usually if you insert images in a Microsoft office file without resize the images you will have a very large file, and if you want to send it to email it can take long time depending of your internet connection, or it cannot be send because of size limits.

In Microsoft Power Point you have to open a file, click to one of the images and in the top bar of the file the FORMAT button will appear .

Click on FORMAT button and in the left you will see Compress Pictures button .

Click on Compress Pictures, uncheck the “Apply to selected pictures only” for reduce the size of all images, not just the one you select .

Click on Option button and check “Automatically perform basic compression on save” and “Delete cropped area of pictures” .

At “Target output” check E-mail.

In this way you will have a lower file , but just if you don’t want a very high quality of the images or if you already resized your images with a image software .

Save your file, preferably on pptx, ppsx format and you’ll have a small size file .

This tutorial applies on Microsoft Office 2007 until Microsoft Office 2016 .

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