How to list the content of a folder (directory) to a text file


In this tutorial you may learn how to create or print a list of files in a folder (directory) with command prompt.

Creating a list of the contents of a specific folder manual can take a long time with “copy / paste” (eg if the folder is 100 files).

Therefore it is an automated solution to do this .

The fastest solution is a “dos” command that simply list the content of a folder (directory) to a text file .

This is done by following these steps:

1. click on Start button (Windows 8 and Windows by pressing X)
2. Type in the search window “cmd” or command prompt, a black window will open
3. Type the path to the folder “CD C: \ Users \ YOUR-user \ Desktop” path may be different.
4. After you type “dir / s / b> print.txt”
5. In this example, the desktop will create a text file print.txt where they will be all directory titles and every file extension.

2. dir / s / b> print.txt type ENTER

In the C:\Users\YOURUSER\Desktop\FOLDERNAME folder it will be created a print.txt file where all file names will be listed .

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