Smartphone Android 7.1.1 clock display on two lines


After a recently update of Android device (ie Samsung J5 or J7) to the Android 7.1.1 my phone lock screen display clock is displaying on two lines, the hours on the top, the minutes on the bottom.

You can try some of the things bellow for resetting your clock status to the default one line .

Turn on notifications for the lock screen.

To do it :

1. Swipe down on the notification shade from the home screen.
2. Tap on the Settings icon.
3. Scroll down and tap on Apps.
4. Select the app you want to change from the list.
5 Tap on Notifications.
6. Enable Display on the lock screen

This could change the clock layout to one line like 00:00.

Try another theme like the Midnight Blue – Prapas Chantavali theme

But when you change the lock screen background wallpaper it reverts back to two lines clock .

Clear clock cache

1. From any Home screen, tap the Apps icon.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Applications.
4. Tap Application manager.
5. Tap Clock.
6. Tap Storage.
7. Tap Clear data and then tap OK.
8. Tap Clear cache.

Wipe cache partition

1. Turn off the device.
2.Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key, then press and hold the Power key.
3.When the device logo screen displays, release only the Power key
4.When the Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
5.Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
6.Press the Power key to select.
7.Press the Volume down key to highlight ‘yes’ and press the Power key to select.
8.When the wipe cache partition is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
9.Press the Power key to restart the device.

Reset your phone

1.Back up data on the internal memory. If you have signed into a Google account on the device, you have activated Anti-theft and will need your Google credentials to finish the Master reset.
2.Turn off your phone.
3.Press and hold the Volume Up button and the Home key, then press and hold the Power key.
4.When the device logo screen displays, release only the Power key
5.When the Android logo displays, release all keys (‘Installing system update’ will show for about 30 – 60 seconds before showing the Android system recovery menu options).
6.Press the Volume down key several times key to highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
7.Press Power button to select.
8.Press the Volume down key until ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted.
9.Press Power button to select and start the master reset.
10.When the master reset is complete, ‘Reboot system now’ is highlighted.
11.Press the Power key to restart the device.

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